Our School Programme - One Day Per Week and School Holidays.
Our children’s lives these days are often so busy and not every child thrives in a normal classroom environment five days a week. We believe that having a day out from their structured routine, where they are able to ‘be themselves’, grounded in nature and practicing social and practical skills with like-minded children, will benefit them immensely.
We provide an environment where children feel they have a place, where they feel a strong sense of belonging and where they can explore their passions with the support of the adults around them. At our Forest, children spend the entire day absorbed in nature. The curriculum is child led and comes purely from the child’s interests, empowering them to take the lead in their own learning.
“Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi - Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work.”
Our Mission.
We believe that all children are unique and come to us with their own identity and ideas about the world around them. We also believe that every child learns in their own special way, at their own rate, and show their talents and interests in a range of ways. Our aim is to give children an opportunity to immerse themselves in nature, experience opportunities for leadership and creativity and take on the role of guardians/kaitiaki of the forest.

Or Complete one of our Kura or Holiday Programme Enrolment agreements, and call us for a tour!
For the second week of each holidays (and the final week in the Christmas Holidays) we are inviting tamariki over five years old to attend The Forest and get a taste of our fabulous programme!